Sleeping in Cars a chilly success raising over $12,000

A chilly Friday night in November found a number of hearty participants gathered at in a parking lot to raise money and awareness for affordable housing in Haliburton County.

Movies, a snack bar and conversation kept the evening lively

Us and Them, a documentary about homelessness, kicked off the evening and was followed by It’s a Wonderful Life to kick off the holiday season. Local media, politicians, and residents visited and were greeted by a couple from our community on the verge of homelessness. They told their story, which is all too familiar: through no fault of their own, they were literally on the verge of being homeless. (Luckily, this couple has been able to find housing.)

Fundraising efforts were truly overwhelming

A goal to raise $7,000 was set by the organizing committee. Through the incredible efforts of our participants, the final total was $12,633. Participants, Fay Martin, Val Jarvis and Sylvia Claridge raised 80% of that total! Thank you to all of our participants and supporters, we hope to see you next fall for another successful Sleeping in Cars event!

Places for People