Sleeping In Cars

Friday March 21st, 6pm

Head Lake Park in Haliburton

$0 / $40,000


sleeping in cars banner 2025.jpg


About Sleeping In Cars:

Sleeping in Cars is a fundraiser by Places For People that brings awareness to the need for affordable housing in Haliburton County.

It generates donations that help build and manage housing solutions for low to moderate income earners in the community.

Participants collect pledges from friends and family, and in return, agree to spend Friday March 21 sleeping in their vehicle at Head Lake Park in Haliburton, Ontario.

Places For People is a registered Canadian charity.

Our charity number is: 846245959RR0001


How To Participate:

An image of three 2024 Sleeping In Cars participants

1) Sign Up

You can collect donations in two ways: Online via Zeffy, or by downloading a paper pledge sheet.

The online option will create a personal fundraising link that you can send to your friends and family.

2) Collect pledges from your friends and family

Your donors can contribute as much or as little as they want. It all adds up.

In order to participate, you need to raise a total amount of at least $50.

3) Sleep In Your Car on Friday March 21st at 6pm

Bundle up, bring lots of blankets, and get ready to experience sleeping in your car.

You’re going to be cold; but you’ve made a meaningful difference. And for that effort we’ll have hot chocolate, a light dinner, and a lot of people just like you!

(You’ll also get a nice breakfast in the morning)


Become a Sponsor

Great for the community. Good for your brand.

We’re excited to invite you to join our mission to create affordable housing in Haliburton County through our exclusive sponsorship program.

Your partnership will not only support a critical community need, but also position your business as a leader in driving positive change.

Interested in sponsoring the event?

Use the link below to download our Sponsorship Proposal Package:

Or email us at


Very Common Questions:

Will it be cold?


How many blankets and coats should I bring?

All of them.

Will there be washrooms available?

Yes. There are wheelchair accessible washrooms.

Is drinking water available?

Yes. Please bring a refillable water bottle.

How much do I need to raise?

$50 is the minimum

Is the event pet friendly?


(that means yes)

What if I need to leave early?

Just do your best! We’re grateful for your effort.
