Mike Rutter joins the P4P board
Like Haliburton County, the Places for People board is comprised of members with a wide range of expertise and experiences.
This diverse set of skills ensures we foster inclusivity and our decisions reflect the varied perspectives within the community.
In our quest to continue to bring in fresh perspectives and insights, Places for People is pleased to announce the addition of Mike Rutter to our board of directors.
Mike has recently retired after a 32-year career in municipal government, with the last 8 ½ years as the CAO for Haliburton County. In that role, he saw firsthand the challenges people are facing in obtaining safe and affordable housing in our community.
Mike explains his reason for joining, “I was always impressed by the work Places for People was doing, and I’m anxious to help in any way I can to advance those efforts.”
We welcome Mike to Places for People!